The Scientific Bureau for the Dutch Trade Union Movement (WB) is an independent research institute affiliated with the trade union FNV that conducts research in the field of labour and employment relations. It is part of Stichting de Burcht (Founation de Burcht). The goal of the WB is to develop and disseminate insights and knowledge regarding the history and the future development of labour relations and the functioning of the labour market, both in the Netherlands and abroad. In order to attain this goal, the WB conducts research on industrial relations and related societal issues, it organizes seminars and conferences to discuss the results of recent research and it administers a network of scientists and union professionals to exchange views on industrial relations and labour market topics. The WB is governed by the board of Stichting de Burcht. The research programme and separate studies are supervised by the curatorium of the WB that is composed of four academics and four professionals in the field of industrial relations. For further information, please contact the director of the WB, professor Paul de Beer (
